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2018 Lombok Earthquake Response

July 9, 2022

An earthquake struck Lombok in 2018, at least 14.940 houses were severely damaged by the 6.4 Mw and 555 lives were lost in the event.

Aside from medical needs, families lost their kitchens and method of preparing food for their families. Hock jumped into action and set up a donation drive to provide hundreds of portable gas stoves.

In hard times, we're sure more could be done, but we hope that the families affected can at least enjoy a warm meal with their families and recover together.

Bahasa Indonesia

Peristiwa gempa bumi di Lombok terjadi pada tahun 2018, Sebanyak sedikitnya 14.940 rumah tercatat rusak akibat diguncang gempa Mw 6,4 dan menewaskan 555 orang pada peristiwa tersebut.

Hock ikut prihatin atas peristiwa tersebut dan melakukan kegiatan donasi dengan menyumbangkan ratusan unit kompor Hock agar para korban dapat menggunakan kompor hock untuk kegiatan memasak memenuhi kebutuhan makan sehari-hari.

Semoga dengan adanya bantuan dari Kompor Hock, para korban dapat terbantu dan kembali semangat dalam menjalanin kehidupannya.